Please read the rules and regulations per rental, scroll down past the form for all the new information. Any questions can be posted to Caroline at caroline.young4@outlook.com
(Proceed to selection 2 below for single use event)
Cooper Memorial UMC Facility Use Policy
Rules and Regulations
The rules are; no alcohol, no smoking, all areas must be cleaned up afterwards, all paper goods, sugar, cream, soda etc. must be supplied by you (as in please do not use the church supply), all trash must be
collected and removed to the dumpster. Thanks for your cooperation.
On our website you can view 4 months of up-to-date calendars to see if your date is available,
however it is always subject to approval.
*This is for those making a reservation for a one-time event, not the teams that meet weekly in the gym.
We now require a $50 deposit, which is refundable when facility is found clean and trash removed, and with all tables and chairs returned to the original place. Please note; if you cancel at the last moment without reasonable circumstance we may not return the deposit. Also please note; all tape, decoration, or stickers, used when decorating must be removed from wall, ceiling, and or glass door.
* We now have a two-hour limitation for decorating.
The cost for a one-time rental fee of Fellowship Hall is $200 and the
GYM is $200, further if tables are needed for the gym there is an additional fee of $5/per table. Please indicate how many tables you will use in the detail section of the form above. Also if event is a full day event there will be an additional fee which will be discussed ahead of event and will be decided to the time needed. Most events are 4 hours, with a 2-hour decorating time. If your event requires more time this must be evaluated prior.
Key usage is for reoccurring teams or groups only, all others will agree to a time for doors to be unlocked.
Your fee of $200, plus the refundable $50 deposit, plus $5 for each table if in the gym, will be collected the day of event when the door is unlocked . Currently we prefer to receive the fee and deposit the day of event at the door when unlocked in cash. If you wish to pay by check you may but it must be received 2 weeks ahead of event, cash is preferred. After the event if all is as it should be you will receive the $50 back. Also last-minute cancellation without reasonable circumstance may result in deposit to not being returned. If you have any other questions please let me know, also let me know what time to schedule the unlock. I am requesting that all communication to be to my email as this provides me with written info, thanks. Use this email – caroline.young4@outlook.com . We allow a two-hour decorating time prior to event, please let us know if you require that time.
After you have filled out the form above and submit you will be contacted as to specifics and confirmation of your event. All communication is preferred to be by e-mail so please make sure to enter a good e-mail for my communication with you, also your phone number is essential as well,
thank you.
* Note for those who rent the gym on a weekly basis for sports you usually would pay by check if anyone wants to pay by cash please contact me and I will arrange when someone can come and collect that as we do not wish to use the dropbox outside as in the past. caroline.young4@outlook.com
Cooper Memorial U.M.C.: 9901 Cooper Church Dr. Louisville, KY 40229
Checks made out to Cooper Memorial United Methodist Church.
Any questions please e-mail ~ caroline.young4@outlook.com